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Species Lists

Subscribe to the Government of Saskatchewan mail-out lists and keep up-to-date on changes to Saskatchewan Conservation Data Centre species lists, ranks and more.

Click on a tab below to expand the selection and view available species lists in PDF and Excel format.

All Species
Excel image All Species (this does not include lists by ecoregion and synonym lists included in the species group spreadsheets linked below)
Excel image Summary of updates between 2023 posted lists and current lists (February, 2024)
Excel image Summary of updates between February and May 2024 (Vertebrates)
Excel image Summary of updates between May and June 2024 (Vertebrates)

Vertebrate species lists were updated June 21st, 2024 to include SARA status updates. Vertebrate lists were also updated May 16th with updates from the May COSEWIC meetings.

Fungi, Lichens and Slime Molds
Excel image pdf image All Taxa
Excel image pdf image Tracking List
pdf image Accepted and Synonym Scientific Names List - the excel version can be found within the "all taxa" spreadsheet.
For further resources on Saskatchewan lichens, view our published technical reports.
Excel image All Taxa - we have not provided a PDF of this report due to the size. If you would like one, let us know.
Excel image pdf image Tracking List - Alphabetical by Latin Name
Non-Vascular Plants
Vascular Plants
Excel image pdf image All Taxa
Excel image pdf image Tracking List
pdf image Accepted and Synonym Scientific Names List - the excel version can be found within the "all taxa" spreadsheet.
Excel image Tracked Vascular Plant Species by Ecoregion
Federal Species at Risk
Provincial Wild Species at Risk Regulations
The "SK Wild Species at Risk Regulations" columns in the species list spreadsheets, that can be downloaded above, contain the designations of species under Saskatchewan's Wild Species at Risk Regulations.
link image Wildlife Act, 1998
link image Wild Species at Risk Regulations, 1999
Non-Native Species
The "origin" field in the excel species lists for each species group above provides information on whether a species is known to be native or exotic.
Further resources are available from:
link image View the Minister's Order to Designate Prohibited, Noxious and Nuisance Weeds on the Government of Saskatchewan Website
pdf image The Fisheries Regulations: Prohibited Species of Fish in Saskatchewan

Information in each species list report is current only to the date at which it was published, and this date can be found on each report. As we are frequently updating information in our system, it is advised that you check the SKCDC species lists page for the latest report prior to starting your project.

For more information on how species lists are created, view our page on generating species lists.

Conservation ranks/status are provided for each species. For details on each, refer to the following resources:

Every five years, the National General Status of Species in Canada Working Group produces a report on the status of wild species in Canada. The Wild Species 2020 report included 50,534 species across Canada and found 20% of these species to be at some level of risk of extirpation. The SKCDC is a member of this working group and many of the species and ranks in our lists have been and continue to be updated as a result of this ongoing project. 12,000 Saskatchewan species had ranks assigned in the 2020 report and the SKCDC has completed its incorporation of this information into our database as appropriate. Work for the 2025 report is underway.

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